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i cannot upload my csv on magento 2 due to: We can't find required columns: sku.

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i cannot upload my csv on magento 2 due to: We can't find required columns: sku.

I am using open office, i have changed the Character Set to: UTA - 8

Language: English (UK)

From row:1


Separated by: Tab, comma


but i still get this message:


We can't find required columns: sku.
Column names: "sku store_view_code attribute_set_code product_type categories product_websites name description short_description weight product_online tax_class_name visibility size color brand price has_options qty is_in_stock configurable_variations " are invalid
Can anyone help me?

Re: i cannot upload my csv on magento 2 due to: We can't find required columns: sku.

Hi @edie123,


Maybe you can share your file (you can use Pastebin to show the content of the file) to allow everybody else to reproduce the test.

Also, can you tell us which version of Magento are you using?