I am getting error when some customers are placing the order.
for some of the customer integration is working fine.
[2020-10-27 07:51:20] main.CRITICAL: No such entity with customerId = 8354 {"exception":"[object] (Magento\\Framework\\Exception\\NoSuchEntityException(code: 0): No such entity with customerId = 8354 at /var/www/html/vendor/magento/framework/Exception/NoSuchEntityException.php:57)"} []
Please run this query in your magento database to see if you have any available customers with the id:
SELECT * from customer_entity where entity_id = 8354
I believe that you are building a magento 2 extension for interacting with Oracle ERP.
If you are looking for an alternative solution by using a Middleware to maintain data consistency between the 2 systems, we can help.
You can check some of our products for to see if if they fit what you are looking for in the below URL: Magento2 & ERP Integration
we are a magento development company as well so we can help you fix the bugs and maintain the extension if you need.
Thanks & Hope it helps.
hi, I run the query and yes there is a customer in the Magento database. We are using the REST API and Oracle Rest Data Services to interact with Oracle ERP.