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magento 2 rest API send mobile notifications and save devices token

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magento 2 rest API send mobile notifications and save devices token

Hello All,

i want to consume the Magento 2.1.6  restful API from Android and IOs native apps, i want to save the devices tokens to send notifications to the apps, could you please help me do it as i tried to search for it but no answer.




Re: magento 2 rest API send mobile notifications and save devices token


You can follow the link in order to implement send notification for mobile application using Magento 2 rest api.


 * Developer: Hemant Singh Magento 2x Developer
 * Category:  Push Notification Magento 2 API
    $ch = curl_init("");

   //The device token.
   $token =  'fNkJjlW8RBe6aJ4LdkSXL0:APA91bH-0CS3RS9D-DHm5W4QqCPF3qT6YmhrlVqObSBpQn1vdEOGe2xoA4yfMR-Lgzqe8baPg4Mpi7AhW_Do1rKyJ5wlFRzBV8baGA8TyjXGleEi54N-pnIKmO0dA_iS69p8IQ3_NjXA';
   //Title of the Notification.
   $title = 'Hello';

    //Body of the Notification.
   $body = 'Hello Body';

   //Creating the notification array.
   $notification = array('title' => $title, 'body'=>$body, 'sound'=>'default');

   //This array contains, the token and the notification. The 'to' attribute stores the token.

       $arrayToSend = array(
                       'to' => $token,
                       'notification' => $notification,
                       'data' => $notification,

   //Generating JSON encoded string form the above array.
   $json = json_encode($arrayToSend);
   //Setup headers:
   $headers = array();
   $headers[] = 'Content-Type: application/json';
   $headers[] = 'Authorization: key= AAAABfcWdgc:APA91bGZcOSwGbuZrVIFdiFUMyjvnGvXYB31MeYmzdw3ZdE4dT6LTgsb85cm_n3Nth0kbWI7mNmNNWkb0uLyx3KPMfjW-tgEmnQzQDumeH2kL9ew-_yyluxvq4Kfv8DNmlK9pXKVTkLQ'; // key here

   //Setup curl, add headers and post parameters.
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");                        
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $json);
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER,$headers);
   curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
   //Send the request
   $response = curl_exec($ch);
   //Close request
   //Print Success and Faliure Message 
   echo "<pre>"; print_r(json_decode($response));


Thank You!