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product price input has extra character results in validation error for input number

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product price input has extra character results in validation error for input number


after changing the locale to fa_IR which means farsi_IRAN and in other words persian langauge

there has been a bug on the backend product page

when creating a product it is fine but after modifying a product there if we don't touch the price input box it will return an error that the 


Please enter a number 0 or greater in this field.
 however there is a number in there
after digging a lot I found out that there is an extra character added before the number which is 8206 and which means a left to right character identifier 
Symbol Name:Html Entity:Hex CodeSmiley Very Happyecimal Code:Unicode Group:
Left-To-Right Mark

General Punctuation


Which the price input box does not need it

a work arround for this is to override the validation method to check if it has a rtl identifier and trim it but I wanted to know how to prevent this character to be added to the price field
