I get this error after upgrading to 2.3.0 from 2.2.5 and running
php bin/magento setup:upgrade
Any idea?
Fatal error: Uncaught TypeError: explode() expects parameter 2 to be string, boolean given in /srv/public_html/vendor/magento/module-configurable-product/Setup/Patch/Data/UpdateManufacturerAttribute.php:55 Stack trace: #0 /srv/public_html/vendor/magento/module-configurable-product/Setup/Patch/Data/UpdateManufacturerAttribute.php(55): explode(',', false) #1 /srv/public_html/vendor/magento/framework/Setup/Patch/PatchApplier.php(162): Magento\ConfigurableProduct\Setup\Patch\Data\UpdateManufacturerAttribute->apply() #2 /srv/public_html/setup/src/Magento/Setup/Model/Installer.php(1002): Magento\Framework\Setup\Patch\PatchApplier->applyDataPatch('Magento_Configu...') #3 /srv/public_html/setup/src/Magento/Setup/Model/Installer.php(874): Magento\Setup\Model\Installer->handleDBSchemaData(Object(Magento\Setup\Module\DataSetup), 'data', Array) #4 /srv/public_html/setup/src/Magento/Setup/Console/Command/UpgradeCommand.php(123): Magento\Setup\Model\Installer->installDataFixtures(Array) #5 /srv/public_html/vendor/symfony/console/Comman in /srv/public_html/vendor/magento/module-configurable-product/Setup/Patch/Data/UpdateManufacturerAttribute.php on line 55
Solved! Go to Solution.
Run following SQL query in DB :
** attribute_id** = first check number of entries in catalog_eav_attribute table, according to last entery ,increment that id from 1(One) and use as attribute_id in below query.
Means, If in catalog_eav_attribute table last entry is 213 then use 214 as new attribute_id for below SQL query.
INSERT INTO `eav_attribute` (`attribute_id`, `entity_type_id`, `attribute_code`, `attribute_model`, `backend_model`, `backend_type`, `backend_table`, `frontend_model`, `frontend_input`, `frontend_label`, `frontend_class`, `source_model`, `is_required`, `is_user_defined`, `default_value`, `is_unique`, `note`) VALUES (** attribute_id**, '4', 'manufacturer', NULL, NULL, 'varchar', NULL, NULL, 'text', 'Manufacturer', 'validate-length maximum-length-255', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '0', NULL);
Then run below SQL query in DB-
INSERT INTO catalog_eav_attribute (attribute_id, is_global, is_visible, is_searchable, is_filterable, is_comparable, is_visible_on_front, is_html_allowed_on_front, is_used_for_price_rules, is_filterable_in_search, used_in_product_listing, used_for_sort_by, apply_to, is_visible_in_advanced_search, position, is_wysiwyg_enabled, is_used_for_promo_rules, is_required_in_admin_store, is_used_in_grid, is_visible_in_grid, is_filterable_in_grid, search_weight, additional_data) VALUES (** attribute_id**, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, "simple, virtual, bundle, downloadable, configurable", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, NULL);
Run following SQL query in DB :
** attribute_id** = first check number of entries in catalog_eav_attribute table, according to last entery ,increment that id from 1(One) and use as attribute_id in below query.
Means, If in catalog_eav_attribute table last entry is 213 then use 214 as new attribute_id for below SQL query.
INSERT INTO `eav_attribute` (`attribute_id`, `entity_type_id`, `attribute_code`, `attribute_model`, `backend_model`, `backend_type`, `backend_table`, `frontend_model`, `frontend_input`, `frontend_label`, `frontend_class`, `source_model`, `is_required`, `is_user_defined`, `default_value`, `is_unique`, `note`) VALUES (** attribute_id**, '4', 'manufacturer', NULL, NULL, 'varchar', NULL, NULL, 'text', 'Manufacturer', 'validate-length maximum-length-255', NULL, '0', '0', NULL, '0', NULL);
Then run below SQL query in DB-
INSERT INTO catalog_eav_attribute (attribute_id, is_global, is_visible, is_searchable, is_filterable, is_comparable, is_visible_on_front, is_html_allowed_on_front, is_used_for_price_rules, is_filterable_in_search, used_in_product_listing, used_for_sort_by, apply_to, is_visible_in_advanced_search, position, is_wysiwyg_enabled, is_used_for_promo_rules, is_required_in_admin_store, is_used_in_grid, is_visible_in_grid, is_filterable_in_grid, search_weight, additional_data) VALUES (** attribute_id**, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, "simple, virtual, bundle, downloadable, configurable", 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, NULL);
More precisely, you have to get something within the apply_to field
@eddy_mio wrote:More precisely, you have to get something within the apply_to field
makes a lot more sense and did the trick. Thanks!
I'd also like to indicate, this fix also allows the attribute to appear in the admin panel again, this is a bug of the migration tool and many attributes end up with this missing such as inventory, manu. and many more. Install a stock Magento install on 2.3, review these tables, and check this for all stock attributes.
For me the first insert failed with ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry:
MariaDB [magento]> INSERT INTO eav_attribute (attribute_id, entity_type_id, attribute_code, attribute_model, backend_model, backend_type, backend_table, frontend_model, frontend_input, frontend_label, frontend_class, source_model, is_required, is_user_defined, default_value, is_unique, note) VALUES (255, 4, 'manufacturer', NULL, NULL, 'varchar', NULL, NULL, 'text', 'Manufacturer', 'validate-length maximum-length-255', NULL, 0, 0, NULL, 0, NULL); ERROR 1062 (23000): Duplicate entry '4-manufacturer' for key 'EAV_ATTRIBUTE_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE_CODE'
Finding the attribute_id for the entry that caused the error
MariaDB [magento]> select attribute_id from eav_attribute where entity_type_id = 4 and attribute_code ='manufacturer'; +--------------+ | attribute_id | +--------------+ | 81 | +--------------+ 1 row in set (0.00 sec)
And using this attribute_id (81 in my case) to update catalog_eav_attribute
MariaDB [magento]> update catalog_eav_attribute set apply_to = 'simple, virtual, bundle, downloadable, configurable' where attribute_id = 81; Query OK, 1 row affected (0.02 sec) Rows matched: 1 Changed: 1 Warnings: 0
made magento setup:upgrade work again.
Thank you for your help
Just want to say Thanks! The solution works for us.
We also got caught with some modules had their schema updated and not data as the setup:upgrade aborted midway through. We had to manually update the schema version aligned with the data version in setup_module table and redeploy.
Anyone help me to solve the same issue https://community.magento.com/t5/Magento-2-x-Admin-Configuration/Magento-2-3-After-migrated-from-1-9...
Search in the database in table eav_attribute for attribute manufacturer and copy the ID. With this id search in catalog_eav_attribute. Now enter the following in column apply_to
simple, virtual, bundle, downloadable, configurable
Now setup:upgrade is working.