I'm running open source 2.4 on Ubuntu 22.04, MariaDB 10.10.5 . I wish to upgrade to version 2.6, but I have this error.
Current version of RDBMS is not supported. Used Version: 10.10.5-MariaDB-1:10.10.5+maria~ubu1804. Supported versions: MySQL-8, MySQL-5.7, MariaDB-(10.2-10.4)
I cannot downgrade MariaDB as it's not compatible. I'm hoping someone in the community will have a solution.
Thank you.
Hello @infopowlec3d19 Consider a Parallel Installation: If it's possible in your setup, you might consider running MariaDB 10.10.5 alongside a compatible version (e.g., MySQL-8 or MySQL-5.7). You can configure your software to use the compatible database version while keeping MariaDB installed for other applications.
vendor/magento/framework/DB/Adapter/SqlVersionProvider.php , make getVersionString function look something like this:
private function getVersionString(string $resource): string { $pattern = sprintf('/(%s)/', implode('|', $this->supportedVersionPatterns)); $sqlVersionOutput = $this->fetchSqlVersion($resource); preg_match($pattern, $sqlVersionOutput, $match); if (empty($match)) { /*throw new ConnectionException( sprintf( "Current version of RDBMS is not supported. Used Version: %s. Supported versions: %s", $sqlVersionOutput, implode(', ', array_keys($this->supportedVersionPatterns)) ) );*/ } return 'MariaDB-10.6'; //return reset($match); }
And hope for the best.
Edit file app/etc/di.xml You can specify acceptable MariaDB versions here - currently 10.2-10.4 Example to allow MariaDB 10.11 <item name="MariaDB-(10.2-10.11)" xsi:type="string">^10.([2-9]|10|11).</item>Edit file app/etc/di.xml You can specify acceptable MariaDB versions here - currently 10.2-10.4 Example to allow MariaDB 10.11 <item name="MariaDB-(10.2-10.11)" xsi:type="string">^10.([2-9]|10|11).</item>