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Difference in shipping-method-list between 2.2.x and 2.1.x

Difference in shipping-method-list between 2.2.x and 2.1.x

Can anyone tell me a little more about shipping-method-list.phtml? It seems like it's something that existed in 2.1.x and was gone in 2.2.3 (or 2.2 in general)? I made a module that I created on 2.2.3 and am now trying to make it work on 2.1.8. The feature that i made consisted of moving the shipping-methods from step 1 to a separate step. I'm getting the following error:


Unable to resolve the source file for 'frontend/Infortis/ultimo_child/nl_NL/Magento_Checkout/template/shipping-address/shipping-method-list.html' #0 /home/bigbridgedev/domains/ Magento\Framework\View\Asset\File->getSourceFile() #1 /home/bigbridgedev/domains/ Magento\Framework\App\StaticResource->launch() #2 /home/bigbridgedev/domains/ Magento\Framework\App\Bootstrap->run(Object(Magento\Framework\App\StaticResource)) #3 {main}


I can't paste my whole code but does anyone know what is changed between 2.1 and 2.2 at the shipping method level?