We have upgrade magento version 2.4.3-p1 to 2.4.5p1. successfully upgraded but we are getting Js issue in admin panel js url not load correctly.Attached screen shot please suggest me right suggestion.
StagingUrl: https://stage.flagsimporter.com/
AdminUrl: https://stage.flagsimporter.com/index.php/f_si_r_admin/
Hello @varunmchetcc13
WebDesk Solution would like to give you a solution to support you.
After upgrading the Magento version, please remove old compilation files and generate new ones. Below commands will help you to fix JS-related issues.
Try to run bin/magento setup:upgrade and compile bin/magento setup:di:compile. Once it’s compiled, then re-deploy static content.
After performing the above steps, you will have that issue and verify the JS Path.
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