After upgrading from Magento CE 2.4.1 to 2.4.2, I am noticing a couple of show-stopper problems.
My env is as follows:
Debian 10
php 7.4
elasticsearch 7.11.0
mysql Ver 15.1 Distrib 10.3.27-MariaDB
no varnish or redis
Disabled modules: Magento_Amqp and Magento_WebapiAsync
This is working fine with Magento CE 2.4.1.
I followed the instructions to upgrade to Magento CE 2.4.2. Cleared caches, verified file perms, etc, multiple times.
After the upgrade, here are the problems I've noticed:
1. Backend: the Design Configuration page never completely loads - I'm left with the spinning loader of death.
2. Backend: the Invoice page for a Sales Order never completely loads - also have the neverending spinning loader of death.
3. Frontend: for a Configurable Product, selecting one of the configurations - by the IN STOCK there is also "Only 0 left".
- The stock count is incorrect, there are plenty in stock, and
- I have Stores->Configuration->Inventory->Only X left Threshold set to "Use system value"
So is this a new feature that is not working correctly?
Anyone else encountered these issues?