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Product image not loading in product view page after magento version ugrade EE 2.3.2

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Product image not loading in product view page after magento version ugrade EE 2.3.2



I had Magnto EE version running on 2.1.9 and I upgraded it to EE 2.3.2. Aftert that product images are not loading in product view page. I have run catalog:image:resize, renaming htaccess, flushed all cache, deleted cache files etc... Still no luck. Kindly help.


Re: Product image not loading in product view page after magento version ugrade EE 2.3.2

Hi @Wakralab,

Make sure that you have correct permission on the website after upgrade.

There may be some issue with permissions on the server in generations of static files. And make sure that you have ". htaccass" file in pub/static folder.

Try the following command to setup proper permission to magento directory.

find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; && find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; && chmod u+x bin/magento

chmod -R 0777 var/ pub/ generated/


php bin/magento cache:flush

I hope it will help you!

Re: Product image not loading in product view page after magento version ugrade EE 2.3.2

Hello Vimal,


Thanks for the message. I have tried all these, but still didnt work.

Re: Product image not loading in product view page after magento version ugrade EE 2.3.2


did you try running image resize command?


Generally, product images are cached while saving the product from admin panel. However, sometimes you may need to re-create the product images cache after you import products, if images were resized manually in the cache, or if the cache was manually cleared by mistake.

Command usage:

php <magento install dir>/bin/magento catalog:images:resize

This command takes no arguments or options.


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