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Upgrade to magento 2.2.3, HTTP 500 error while trying to add or open a product in admin.

Upgrade to magento 2.2.3, HTTP 500 error while trying to add or open a product in admin.

I have upgraded to Magento 2.2.3 and most functions seem to work fine. However, when I try to add or modify a product in the catalog view, I always get an error 500.


How can I fix this?


Edit: when I go to web installation assistant, it gives an error 404.


Re: Upgrade to magento 2.2.3, HTTP 500 error while trying to add or open a product in admin.

Hi @hedv4,


If you are getting an error 500 you will find information into the webserver error log. Also, take a look to the Magento's logs too.

But I guess the webserevre error log will help you to find the reason of the error.