We're currently having a trouble with our website.
Motor-King.com was migrated from our old hosting company to GoDaddy and everything was working correctly on new. version, but after we changed the DNS and nameservers, the website didn't work. After talking to multiple representatives for the past week we have gotten to the point where they said our version was too old (we were running magento 1.5.1) and that the files were not connecting correctly. The current representative told us that we would have to upgrade to the newest version of magento which we did to Magento 2.2.3. She then proceeded to tell us because we do have all the content (databases and files) that we should try copying some over to see if they would work in the sub directory she created.
If it works correctly, she stated that we would be able to clone the directory over to our main website.
I'm currently a little lost and I would appreciate any feedback and help if any. I'm really not a developer and we paid for the assistance of go daddy to migrate our website successfully but they failed to tell us that this would be a problem. Our website has been down over a week and we are seeking any help that we can on how we can get our website up and functioning.
Thank you in advance.
Hi @Motor_King,
You're right, Magento 1.5.x is a really old version and an upgrade is a good idea.
Magento 2 isn't just an upgrade, is a replataform at code level.
Maybe the best approach (becasue what you said) it could be to upgrade to Magento first and then prepare a plan to move to Magento 2.2.3.
Also (or maybe) you could try with qualified support:
(my 2 cents)
I think at this point, with your site being down, it might pay to hire a magento 2x developer to get the site up and running.
If you have backups of the database, it will be a case of going through a progressive upgrade.
Along the way, I would suggest during this process reviewing the database for any weird issues. For example, customer and orders look good from an upgrade magento admin.
A staged upgrade. I dont think its possible to go from 1.5 x through to 2.2x site in one fell swoop.
Being on such an old version, you could have be opened up by various and numerous xss issues.
If you have very little magento dev exp. I would suggest looking to upwork for a contractor to upgrade the site.
Other considerations, do you still have access to your old site with the other web hoster?. This would be helpful and being able to give the developer an example of what your site "was"
I hope this is helpful, if you have any more q's please just fire away
So, just following up, what did you end up doing?
@Motor_King Your website seem to be loading properly now and it still seem to be hosted at GoDaddy. Just to confirm whether you've managed to get the whole problem resolved?