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pending update

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pending update

I'm trying to update version 2.06 to 2:07 but in the last round System Upgrade Status is forever: Update pending and log box does not appear anything already searched the internet and can not find the reason of it, why not end the update. in chrome debug appears { "statusMessage": "", "isUpdateInProgress": false, "complete": false, "error": false, "pending": true} on.

please someone help me?

I thank you.


Re: pending update

Hi, today I tried to do again and seemed that would make atualziação, the log appears:

[06/03/2016 11:01:03 EDT] Job "maintenance_mode {" enable ": true}" Has Been started
[03/06/2016 11:01:03 EDT] Magento maintenance mode is enabled.
[06/03/2016 11:01:03 EDT] Job "maintenance_mode {" enable ": true}" has successfully completed
[06/03/2016 11:01:03 EDT] Job "update {" components ": [{" name ":" magento / product-community-edition "," version "," 2.1.0-rc1 "}] } "has Been started
[06/03/2016 11:01:03 EDT] Starting composer update ...
[03/06/2016 11:01:03 EDT] ./composer.json Has Been updated

[06/03/2016 11:02:02 EDT] Update is already in progress.

But, now it is 14:51 and not yet completed the process that started 11:01

in developer tools in chrome returns:

{ "StatusMessage": "[03.06.2016 11:01:03 EDT] Job \" maintenance_mode {\ "enable \": true} \ "Has Been started <br \/> [03.06.2016 11: 01:03 EDT] Magento maintenance mode is enabled <br \/> [06.03.2016 11:01:03 EDT] Job \ "maintenance_mode {\" enable \ ": true} \". has successfully completed <br \ /> [03.06.2016 11:01:03 EDT] Job \ "update {\" components \ ": [{\" name \ ": \" magento \ / product-community-edition \ ", \" version \ ": \" 2.1.0-rc1 \ "}]} \" has Been started <br \/> [03.06.2016 11:01:03 EDT] Starting composer update ... <br \/> [ 06.03.2016 11:01:03 EDT]. \ / composer.json has Been updated <br \/> <br \/> [06.03.2016 11:02:02 EDT] Update is already in progress. "" isUpdateInProgress ": true," complete ": false," error ": false," pending ": false}

but never end, what could be wrong?

I appreciate the help.

Re: pending update


Copy/paste from this THREAD


"I had the same issue as you.

For me the solution was to simply give the cron a little "kick".

Via. SSH I used:
"php bin/magento setup:cron:run"
"php bin/magento cron:run"

WHILE at the "Update pending" screen I typed the above commands into SSH and in seconds I could see more log output and eventually the upgrade completed. Sometimes it needs multiple cron "kicks" before being completed, I just typed above commands every time it seemed stuck. "

Let me know if you need more help Smiley Happy
