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Community Engineering Update – September 2018

Adobe Team

Contribution days


September saw a strong return to global contribution days with 5 events hosted in Europe and South America. Over 70 developers joined across all events and contributed over 30 pull requests. To increase contribution opportunities, we started running QA and issue validation tracks as part of our contribution days.


Meet Magento Argentina 2018


On the 8th of September, Summa Solutions hosted us in Buenos Aires. The event focused on the Magento2 repository and GraphQL with a combined 7 pull requests created.


Meet Magento Poland 2018


Our next contribution day was in the offices of Bold Brand Commerce, in Kraków, Poland. On the 9th of September, contributions focused on the Magento2 repository, Multi-Source-Inventory (MSI), and GraphQL. Contributors created 5 pull requests during the event.



Magento Meetup Lviv #1


During the Magento meetup in Lviv, Ukraine, Elogic Commerce hosted our next contribution day. Twelve developers got together and produced 8 pull requests across the Magento2 repository, MSI, and GraphQL. If you missed the event, watch a short video on their Facebook page.


Meet Magento Brazil 2018


During the contribution day as part of Meet Magento Brazil 2018, we trial ran a QA track alongside our regular development tracks. This event took place on the 16th of September and was hosted by Web Jump in São Paulo. Around 20 participants got together and created 9 pull requests and validated about 10 issues. We plan to continue adding QA tracks during future Contribution Days.



Meet Magento Croatia 2018


The final contribution day of September was hosted by Inchoo. On the 27th of September in their Osijek office, 7 contributors attended and produced 7 pull requests.



Magento Open Source - Statistics


During the month of September, we made the following progress on pull requests and issues:

Pull Requests

  • Processed: 493
  • Merged: 355
  • Rejected: 138
  • Created: 438
  • Accepted Rate: 73%
  • Contributors: 155
  • New Contributors: 51


  • Created: 247
  • Closed: 277
  • Fixed by the community: 31
  • Fixed by partners: 21


Top Magento Contributors

All contributor stats are now available on the Magento Contributors website .


Top 10 Individual Contributors

Our top 10 individual contributors in September are:



# Contributor Points Created Accepted
1 Riccardo Tempesta - The RickRiccardo Tempesta - The Rick 195 11 7
2 Yaroslav Rogoza Yaroslav Rogoza 135 6 9
3 Pratik Oza Pratik Oza 99 26 19
4 Dmytro Cheshun Dmytro Cheshun 81 16 11
5 Eduard Chitoraga Eduard Chitoraga 55 4 7
6 Hitesh Hitesh 45 2 6
6 Ronak Patel Ronak Patel 45 1 3
7 Tetiana Blindaruk Tetiana Blindaruk 31 3 5
8 Paul Paul 30 2 3
8 sv3n sv3n 30 3 2


Top Partner Contributors

The top 10 partner contributors are:



Team Name Contribution Points Created Accepted Contributing Members
Atwix 540 37 32 6
MageSpecialist 205 11 7 1
Krish TechnoLabs 144 31 22 6
Interactiv4 113 1 4 1
Comwrap 55 5 2 2
Wagento 50 2 7 1
Bold 20 0 1 1
Summa Solutions 20 1 1 1
Balance Internet 20 3 1 2
Hammer 20 4 2 2


Top Maintainers

And our top maintainers for September are:



# Maintainer Processed Accepted Rejected
1 Yaroslav Rogoza Yaroslav Rogoza 26 21 5
2 Ihor Sviziev Ihor Sviziev 19 16 3
3 Miguel Balparda Miguel Balparda 18 11 7
4 Oscar Recio Oscar Recio 18 16 2
5 Marcel Hauri Marcel Hauri 7 6 1


Community Engineering Project Updates


Please check out our new weekly newsletters for details on project progress, meetings, recordings, and more.  Every project entry includes contributors, PRs, GitHub links, Slack channels, and highlights of all work completed that week.


Check the Magento Community Engineering Google Calendar for all events and meetings:


How to get involved


As always, if you are interested in finding out more about contributing to Magento, we recommend getting involved in the Community Engineering Slack (or join us). All projects have public channels to connect with us and community developers. You can also find us on Twitter @MagentoEngComm.


We have a wide selection of projects currently running, and just started with phase 2 of the Bulk API, payment improvements and GraphQL projects. If you are interested in participating in one of these projects, take a look at the project overview page and let us know. You can also check the weekly newsletters for project GitHub links and Slack channels.


Ready to contribute? We recommend reading over the Contributor’s Guide and Coding Standards on Magento DevDocs. The guide includes code guidelines, accepted pull requests per release line, GitHub labels, porting information, and much more.

1 Comment
New Contributor

Very interesting. Thanks!