MSI 1.1.0 available for Magento 2.3 - Magento Forums
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MSI 1.1.0 available for Magento 2.3

New Contributor

Multi Source Inventory (MSI) has a new release for additional features, increased support, and enhanced performance for Inventory Management. The new release MSI 1.1.0 is live as of February 12, 2019, for Magento 2.3 – Open Source, Commerce, and Commerce Cloud. It is also the default release for all new 2.3 installs and upgrades.


The key features for this release include:


  • The Distance Priority Algorithm is a new, out-of-the-box Source Selection Algorithm (SSA) for distance-based shipping recommendations
  • ElasticSearch support for Single and Multi Source modes. This release provides full ElasticSearch support for implementations using default and custom stocks and sources.
  • Resolved performance issues with Default Stock to drastically increase performance with numerous operations and Single Source mode.
  • Enhanced performance for Transfer Inventory to Source, Storefront Category pages, and Salable Quantity calculations.


Distance Priority Algorithm


This algorithm helps merchants reduce costs by finding the closest shipping source to their customers. Using GPS coordinates and addresses, Distance Priority compares the location of the shipping destination address with source locations to determine the closest source to fulfill shipments. The distance may be determined by either physical distance or the time spent traveling from one location to another, using imported geocode location data or Google directions (driving, walking, or bicycling).


Select and configure how you want to calculate distances: Google Maps or Offline Calculation:






Google MAP: Uses Google Maps Platform services to calculate the distance and time between the shipping destination address and source locations. This option uses the source's Latitude and Longitude (GPS coordinates) and may use the street address depending on the computation mode. This option uses the source's Latitude and Longitude. You must provide a Google API key with Geocoding API and Distance Matrix API enabled, and may incur charges through Google.


Offline Calculation: Calculates the distance using downloaded and imported geocode data from to determine the closest source to the shipping destination address. This option uses zip/post codes and GPS coordinates to calculate distances.


When you run the SSA for shipments, you can select the Distance Priority algorithm. The closest source to the shipping destination address is recommended for source fulfillment.


Note: If routes and data do not return for the selected Computation mode (driving, bicycling, or walking) for a shipment, the SSA defaults to using the Source Priority.






More information!


Learn more about MSI and Inventory Management in our documentation:



To join the MSI project, see our GitHub repo, Wiki, and join is in #MSI Slack (self signup).




WOW, this is much awiated feature




I have one question, 

For example I have magento default UPS method enabled with store zip code 30360, so if MSI is enabled then UPS will display the rates based on MSI configuration or zip code 30360?

New Contributor

@ankit_dalal1 good question! I'll check in with the team, and get an answer for you here! 


And TheRick was a huge help to get this new Distance Priority SSA to MSI. The following incredible developers contributed to 1.1.0: VitaliyAtwix, max_pronko,  and others!

New Contributor

@ankit_dalal1  I spoke with Igor Miniailo and have the following information for you:


We recommend using offline shipping carriers for MSI. When using an online carrier with MSI, it will pull the address of the Default Source, not custom sources. Currently MSI is designed to not provide the system any Single/Multi stock information at the time of order.


Adding Source Selection Algorithm checks during checkout to support online carriers is possible with extended code. To review Inventory Management REST calls, start here. For information on SSAs, see this page.


I have added your question to the MSI FAQ


good question!

Tomek Jordan
Occasional Contributor

MSI without Procurement Management and stock history is just a toy. Without those 2 things - it cannot be used for real inventory in professional ecommerce.

Multiple stocks - OK, its an improvement, but this is just a background.

Can we expect adding PO management - where all goods delivery will be tracking?
Now Magento & MSI allows to change stock qty by hand - this should be done similar to ERP software, please check Procurement Management from Embeded ERP for M1. they made it very well.
I hope Magento team could also add some features to achieve Shopware's PICKWARE features.

If Magento points towards enterprise or at least middle-size ecommerce - its a must

New Contributor

@Tomek Jordan hello thank you for your comments! You have great questions and points. I hope this information helps understand the position and focus for MSI, Inventory Management, Order Management (OMS), and further Magento objectives. I spoke with Igor Miniailo and reviewed our plans to support this information.


The MSI community project is working towards bridging gaps and extending Inventory Management options and extensibility for Magento Open Source and Commerce. The initial feature set, refactoring, new APIs/modules, and architecture helped to start delivering key features and create a solid foundation to add more.


As you mentioned, multi stocks and sources is a good first step, but just a first step. We do have future features planned and in-progress such as In Store Pick Up, drop shipping/freight support, concurrent checkout, further support of options and configurations at the Product/Source/Stock level, and many more. It is extensible for custom code, integrating with ERP systems, extension development, etc. We have a public Roadmap here if interested!


MSI is also a core offering, not just enhancing Inventory Management but replacing what existed before. Selecting key features requires balancing needs of merchants with core requirements, and much more. It's why we are working so closely with partners and merchants to develop in this project, like Asynchronous/Bulk API, GraphQL, PWA, and many others. If you would like to voice more needs, help with requirements, and provide merchant insights, please come and attend any of our demos (see the Calendar), watch for open grooming sessions, reach out here and in Twitter, or better yet join us in shaping MSI and Inventory Management by contributing. 


For enterprise businesses requiring an expanded feature set, we also provide Magento Order Management (OMS or MOM)(Documentation). OMS has an incredible set of features, rich and growing for enterprise and mid-level companies seeking expansive options for inventory, order, and shipment management including many of the features you listed. Here's a great post of features! The documentation set is also expanding with deeper information for merchants and developers.


I know that was a long response, but hope it helps! And if others have questions, please do join us or ask. We're all happy to help out. That's what a community truly is.