I'm almost a newbie in magento and just needed some help from the experts. I took over managing this site and not so familiar with everything about magento.
I need help getting rid of this badge that displays beside the product price. See screenshot here: http://prntscr.com/hd4nzu .
Your inputs will be very much appreciated.
Thank you,
Hi @vicama,
It seems you have custom theme and/or module that provides that feature.
That kind of labels are not included on vanilla versions of Magento so is a little bit hard to try tro explain how to remove from your store.
Maybe if you can provide a public URL someone can indentify the implementation and it will be easier to try to help.
Thanks Damian, I appreciate that.
It would be great if someone has some inputs about this. The website is http://drones2.com.au, I would love to hear your comments.
Thank you!
Hi @vicama,
Maybe there is a module with something like Badge as name (or a product attribute... I can't guess which kind of implementation do you have).
Maybe you can perform a search into the code. There is some phtml file that should have this part:
Custom badge code
Maybe if you can identify which module is using that portion of code you will be able to track the module and disable.
There is no product attribute related to badge and I have been searching for that module for days but I guess I have to keep looking.
thank you very much for taking a look at it. you're the best!
Hi @vicama,
Can you perform a search through all the code looking for that class? (the code I've showed in the screenshot)