when I run the upgrade command Got the following Error
Module 'MagePsycho_GroupSwitcherPro':
Installing data... SQLSTATE[23000]: Integrity constraint violation: 1062 Duplica
te entry '1-mp_group_code' for key 'MG1K_EAV_ATTRIBUTE_ENTITY_TYPE_ID_ATTRIBUTE_
CODE', query was: INSERT INTO `mg1k_eav_attribute` (`entity_type_id`, `attribute
_code`, `attribute_model`, `backend_model`, `backend_type`, `backend_table`, `fr
ontend_model`, `frontend_input`, `frontend_label`, `frontend_class`, `source_mod
el`, `is_required`, `is_user_defined`, `default_value`, `is_unique`, `note`) VAL
UES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
Can anyone help?
Thank you for the reply. I am waiting for an answer to your question from our developer.
I have reached out the MagePsycho, where we purchased the extension, and have gotten no response. We used their Custom Redirect Pro in M1.9 and M2.2 with no issues, until now. And now we get no support. Looking for an alternative solution.