I'm trying to locate the x_type and "no transaction" in the php code and delete the x_type and set "no transaction" to ON. I made the php change in the authorizenet.php file and it still is allowing INVALID CCV2 credit cards to be processed. So I called again..... Eprocessing Network techs said in Magento there is an x_type, x_transtype, and possibly a "no transaction type" option which needs to be turned ON. Kinda the same story.... One question... WHERE IS THE PHP CODE LOCATED????? :catlol
Thank you in advance!
Are you using the latest version of Magento
If you're using Magento then you'll find the code to build the authorize.net requests in function _buildRequest within
app\code\core\Mage\Paygate\Model\Authorizenet.php on line 1141
setXType is on line 1148
Let me know if that helps