Hi all,
I need your urgent help if possible?
I have just gone live with my new website and I have had 2 orders this week but the transactions at my end haven't gone through with sagepay. The customer believes they paid as they don't know any different but I'm not actually taking payment!
Spoke to my hosting and they said this Thank you for calling in today. Per our phone call, here is the error from your system log:
2016-07-28T13:43:06+00:00 ERR (3): Warning: Missing argument 2 for Raveinfosys_Sagepay_Model_Payment::__construct(), called in /chroot/home/cheaploc/mydomain.co.uk/html/app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Config.php on line 1348 and defined in /chroot/home/cheaploc/mydomain.co.uk/html/app/code/community/Raveinfosys/Sagepay/Model/Payment.php
It does seem to indicate an issue with the payment process in Sagepay and this is likely related to your issue. (I changed my actual domain with mydomain.co.uk)
Has anyone got any ideas on this. I imagine it's something simple as in test mode it was working. But I'm clueless.
Thanks in advance