SUPEE-8788 Solutions to Different Problems - Magento Forums
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SUPEE-8788 Solutions to Different Problems

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SUPEE-8788 Solutions to Different Problems

This Is a summery with solutions that is known per 11/05/2016.


Image Button Problem / Not Uploading pictures / Flash Uploader replaced

In latest version the existing flash uploader is now finally replaced.

Solution 1  - Delete the following folder /skins/adminhtml/default/default/media/ or following files in the folder


Solution 2 - If you have CreareSEO module add following to file



Between Line 84 and 85 (new line 85)

<?php echo Mage::helper('catalog')->__('Maximum width and height dimension for upload image is %s.', Mage::getStoreConfig(Mage_Catalog_Helper_Image::XML_NODE_PRODUCT_MAX_DIMENSION)); ?>

Remove line 97 and insert

var <?php echo $_block->getJsObjectName(); ?> = new Product.Gallery('<?php echo $_block->getHtmlId() ?>', <?php echo $_block->getImageTypesJson() ?>);

Solution 3 - Where themes overwrite header files and will not upgrade / use magento default header

In Admin section: /app/design/adminhtml/default/default/layout/main.xml be sure that following line is there

<action method="addJs"><script>mage/adminhtml/uploader.js</script></action>

and in main template that following is not overwritten by another theme.

<action method="addJs"><name>lib/uploader/flow.min.js</name></action>
<action method="addJs"><name>lib/uploader/fusty-flow.js</name></action>
<action method="addJs"><name>lib/uploader/fusty-flow-factory.js</name>


Solutions on Missing Column "Sales_bestsellers_aggregated"


Solution 1 - Clear cache, disable compiling and Reindex. In most cased people forget to disable compiling and clearing (turn off) cache before they upgrade. This will results that the upgrade script is not ran and the db is not updated with the lates changes.

NB! This contains making changes directly to the Database and is done at your own risk. We use PhpMyAdmin to do this.

Solution 2 -

Look at field sales_setup in table table core_resource. If the versionand data_version number the upgrade has not been performed. If the number says 1.6.10 try change it to and refresh your webpage again to see if the upgrade is now applied if ou had not turn of / clear the cache earlier.


Solution 3 - Add the missing fields to the tables. Run sql command via phpadmin etc. to insert the following fields

ALTER TABLE sales_bestsellers_aggregated_daily
ADD `product_type_id` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'Product Type Id'
AFTER product_id

ALTER TABLE sales_bestsellers_aggregated_monthly
ADD `product_type_id` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'Product Type Id'
AFTER product_id

ALTER TABLE sales_bestsellers_aggregated_yearly
ADD `product_type_id` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'Product Type Id'
AFTER product_id

You should now be able to log back into your admin section. After you have logged in we recommend that you reindex.

Solutions on Log In Problems

People have problem with regular login, persistent checkout login and regular checkout login. 

In most cases this has to do with that the login form missing the "hidden form key" 

If you are not using default magento template please insert 

<input type="hidden" name="form_key" value="<?php echo Mage::getSingleton('core/session')->getFormKey(); ?>" />

 Into following files after the 

<form id="login-form" action="<?php echo $this->getPostAction() ?>" method="post">



