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additional profile/avatar functionality

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additional profile/avatar functionality

it would be nice to link a twitter handle, portfolio url, and a magento account to the forum account so we can more easily contact other members. a custom avatar (or gravatar implementation) would be nice so we can personalize our accounts.


another good idea would be to flag if specific members are certified (and perhaps which certification) with small icons next to their avatar (linking back to their main magento account for verification/security). this will also aid the poster in determining if the reply is coming from a trusted source and is credible. it'd be a nice touch that stackoverflow will never implement because it's magento-specific. 

Certification Board Member

I love the "Certified" icon idea! This could definitely help. Great idea!

Adobe Team

I'm in favor of both of these ideas!

M2 Certified

Love the idea of customizing the profile to more Magento-specific details. Only this forum here will give us the chance to do so.

James Bavington
M1 Certified

Little certification badges would be a great idea, I think that would help validate some of the feedback that's shared. Twitter handles and LinkedIn icons might also be good to help developers/clients connect outside of the forums too.


I agree that there should be more customizations to the forum software and definitely more emoticons too! 


Certification icons is something that will come, there is just no integration yet to make it automatic. 

Twitter account will come in some time - need more work. 

Occasional Contributor

Nice. Thanks for the quick response and all the work that's obviously gone into setting the new forum up. I'm just happy to see them hosted back over on Magento. Smiley Happy

M2 Certified

Yay, thanks Piotr. New certification badges are great.

Valued Contributor

More customization in profiles would be great.

But anyway thanks for your work! You've already implemented many things Smiley Happy

M2 Certified

How do I get the sweet certification badges? 2 x certified baby!