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Creating static block in Magento CMS page

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Creating static block in Magento CMS page

Static block is the piece of codes written in HTML that is used for various purposes like banner of advertising, promoting, social media link, blog etc. You can display this block through out the site in a particular section of the site suppose between header and body.

Here I am guiding you to add a static block in your Magento CMS page. Magento provides 3 handles partcularly to edit the CMS pages.

a) Home page handle
b) 404 page handle
c) CMS page handle

For a static block to be shown on home page we will use home page handle block. For other pages we will use CMS page handle.

Suppose you want to display a static block in all CMS pages of your store. Then follow the steps given as below.

a) Login to your admin

b) Go to CMS>Static Blocks

c) Click Add New Block

d) Give the block a title

e) Give an identifier to the block to call it later

f) Set the status a Enabled

g) Enter the HTML contents in the content place

h) Click Save Block

You have set up your static block and now you can call it to any CMS page by calling the identifier.


Re: Creating static block in Magento CMS page

Why don't try a landing page in front?

Re: Creating static block in Magento CMS page

Thanks for sharing it here. I was thinking to create static block on Fiber installation cape town website home page. But I was unable. I tried different methods but all in vain. After watching your post. I applied your mentioned steps and boom my issue got fixed and static block created.