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Real-Time Notification with node/ miscroservice

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Real-Time Notification with node/ miscroservice

Hello everyone, 

I'd like to introduce notifications client for Magento 2 which brings up inbox/notifications functionality. This module is a client for Notifications Microservice. It allows customers to receive notifications in real-time and to store them in a private inbox.

Here is the module:

What do you think the idea of real-time notifications in M2 and deceoupling modules into microservice api + client?



Re: Real-Time Notification with node/ miscroservice

Dear Author,


It's really a very good concept to link the real time notifications in Magento. Just for your info, 3 months back I was just thinking on this concept to enable the websockets (as is doing the same) on Magento front end and the admin sites, so when any of the notification is being triggered by Admin on the socket, the users connected to the site will get the automated notifications which pops up and get the user's attention.


I am really hoping this technology should be appended with Magento which will be a best feature and the same feature could be used for many functionalities in Magento.


Kudos dude..




Re: Real-Time Notification with node/ miscroservice

Thanks for sharing it. I will definitely try it on Vertical smoker store. I hope it will perform the same as you shared in here. I will definitely share the results and performance here. Will we need to do any extra integration of it?