I can't enable my custom BannerSlider module - Magento Forums
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I can't enable my custom BannerSlider module

I can't enable my custom BannerSlider module

Hello everyone, I'm new to magento 2. Well, it all starts when in my current job they assign me the task of showing the banners next to the slider, corresponding to the categories, that is, for the category of used cell phones, showing the banners of said category. I've been extending the third-party "mageplaza-module-banner-slider" module from the provider to a custom one called BannerSlider and I need to put the logic of said task in my bannerslider.phtml file, which is a copy of the provider's phtml template. The problem arises when I use the template suggestion debugger in the interface, it turns out that the "banner-slider" component still points to the path / var / www / html / magento-2 / project-community-edition / vendor / mageplaza / module-banner-slider / view / frontend / templates / bannerslider.phtml
that by good practices is untouchable. What can be my problem and if someone can help me I would totally appreciate it. I leave my files configured.
<? xml version = "1.0"?><config xmlns: xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi: noNamespaceSchemaLocation = "urn: magento: framework: ObjectManager / etc / config.xsd">    <preferencia por = "Mageplaza \ BannerSlider \ Block \ Slider" type = "Movistar \ BannerSlider \ Block \ Slider \ Slider" /></config>
<? xml version = "1.0"?><config xmlns: xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi: noNamespaceSchemaLocation = "urn: magento: framework: Module / etc / module.xsd">    <nombre del módulo = "Movistar_BannerSlider" setup_version = "1.0.0">        <sequence>             <nombre del módulo = "Mageplaza_BannerSlider" />         </sequence>         </module> </config>
Diseño / banner_slider_index.xml
<? xml version = "1.0"?> <page xmlns: xsi = "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" layout = "1column" xsi: noNamespaceSchemaLocation = "urn: magento: framework: View / Layout / etc / page_configuration.xsd ">     <cuerpo>         <referenceBlock name =" banner.slider ">             <argumentos>                 <argumento nombre =" plantilla "xsi: type =" string "> Movistar_BannerSlider :: bannerslider / bannerslider.phtml </ argument >                         </argumentos>         </referenceBlock>     </body> </page>
Because I modify my custom module, more precisely the .phtml template and I do not see changes in the front of the store but if I touch the phtml of the third-party module it is reflected in the front?

Re: I can't enable my custom BannerSlider module


I'm sharing some links with you, i hope you'll find it helpful, you can also customize as per you need, also you can see tutorials of them, in case you wanna learn how to make it yourself.

Magento 2 banner slider extension by Landofcoder

How to use Magento 2 Banner Slider Extension
