I am looking for magento 1 certification but did not find on https://u.magento.com/certification.
Is magento 1 certification discontinued?
Hello @bal_techies
Yes, Magento 1 Certifications discontinued. Now only you can try Magento 2 Certification.
Thank you @Manish Mittal,
Is there any official announcement? Or they just removed it from certification page without notification?
I do not find any official link but @sherrie can help you out for this.
I want to show my Magento 1 certification to one of my client. He is running Magento 1 website.
Is there anything in Magento we can show it to him? i.e. Magento 1 certified but it is discountinued.
Hi @mohitwadhawan8,
Sadly you won't get any online thing to show.
At the beginning, when the Certified Directory was migrated to Acclaim, somebody from Adobe (there was an interview made by Joseph Maxwell but I can't find it) said about the M1 badges they were going to be migrated also in October (2020).
That didn't happen and I understand won't happen at all. Of course, there are not official information about it, is what I understand seeing the facts.
(my 2 cents)