I am a Magento Developer. Recently I have passed the Certification Exam.
But I need My Certification Directory Link. But Currently, I can't find it anywhere.
Can anyone help me on this?
I appreciate your help.
The old Magento certification direction has been shut down. Magento certifications people are now Adobe Experts, Professionals, and Masters.
You can learn more about this switch at: https://swiftotter.com/certifications/magento-adobe-certification-transition-updates#/
The good news is that you should be able to get a new link that shows your certification. Here's an example of one: https://www.youracclaim.com/badges/d14a44d8-8eff-4dd1-8094-93a10f4514e5
Here are some steps provided by Adobe: https://spark.adobe.com/page/7K8PnSmtBZwKJ/
It's best to start by taking these steps to set up the proper account with Adobe.
My understanding is that the Adobe team is actively working on porting over the old Magento Certifications to this system - but if you need something done more quickly, I believe they'll be able to help you.
Best of luck!
In last year 22 Aug, 2020 i have passed Magento Certification exam. Also on 22 Jan, 2021, i have passed my second Magento Certification exam.
For this Magento Certificate i want to change my surname. In Adobe and Magento account, I have updated it from Kothale to Khatri. But still in my Magento Certificate it showing me old one.
I can't able to update my Names here: http://certmetrics.com/adobe/
How can i change/update it?
That is good to see individual certifications but what about partners certifications?
With the previous certification directory, people were able to see the number of certified professionals a partner had. Is there an equivalent with the new directory?
I just found this (not sure how up to date is):
The Adobe team is dedicated to the migration of the previous Magento certification to the new system. If you require any form of assistance, feel free to ask, and they will promptly provide you with the support you need.