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Hello World

Are there any fellow DevOps engineers here? I’ll introduce myself, my name is AUGUST CRAFT, I am a .NET developer and have been developing with Azure and Visual Studio since 2012. I have founded a non profit 501(c)3 c-corporation. Implementation for the IPO will be as planned during the 2020 fiscal year. The name of the non profit tech partner is: N.E.O.N. Native Earthling Organization Networks; dedicated to future technology focusing on sustainable resources. Broadcasting interactive Internet to increase knowledge and unify the global communities on earth and beyond.

I look forward to aggregating business with you all.
Best Regards, August Craft

Re: DevOps

Hi @august_craft!


Welcome to the community forums!

Normally we say that the best way to start is to ask and try to help other into the forums.

Regarding your question I believe the closest section of the forum could be here (but probably there will be more experienced people asking and answering all over the forum)


Remember to read this post: (in particular the guidelines) and if you are not sure about how to use the forum you can read the FAQ:

If you need information related with GDPR, you should check this:


Re: DevOps



Thank you for your knowledge and teaching. Your role is very important to us all. I will utilize your recommendation.
Best Regards, August Craft