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Hello Magento community

Hello Magento community

Hello Magento community,


I started working with Magento in 2009 we started a fine lingerie e-commerce stores, it was two B2C stores in two different contries and a B2B store in italy

I was working with different CMS and frameworks like xoops, spip, joomla... but when i first heard about Magento in 2008 i made some research about it, and i was fascinated in how this ecommerce platform was written.

In 2013 we launched a new Magento Ecommerce in Morocco dedicated to extreme sports 

And now a days i started a digital agency that helps customers to raised the digital challenge in Morocco.

And now we are moving to Magento 2 and discovering that things get changed a lot from the first version but always facinated on how the logic of the different core modules evolved

Thank you,



Re: Hello Magento community

Hi @nister5,


Welcome to the community forums.

The best way to start is to ask and try to help into the forums, you you're in the right path!

As you know, you'll find information on StackExchange too and you can start diving into the not only for learning but to correct and improve the docs.

Another recomendation could be to be aware of Magento issues on Github: (if you are technical, of course).

Also, you should read this post: (in particular the guidelines) and if you are not sure about how to use the forum you can read the FAQ:

If you need information related with GDPR, you should check this:

Finally, you'll need to get your hands dirty with the platform.
