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Re: Introduce Yourself!


Hi all, my name is Jill Finger Gibson and I am a Principal Analyst covering e-commerce at a research and advisory firm called Digital Clarity Group. We focus on helping leaders leverage digital to deliver the best possible experiences for their customers, prospects and employees. Our clients are enterprise technology buyers, service providers (e.g. digital agencies and SIs), software vendors, and private equity firms, and one of our primary goals is to help reduce the number of failed technology projects out there


Recent topics I have researched and written about include CMS selection, cross-border e-commerce, content and commerce integration challenges, and direct-to-consumer ecommerce for brand manufacturers. Since we operate on a "freemium" model, most of our research reports are available for free (with registration on our website), so I encourage you to check out and download stuff from our site. 


This is my first Imagine and I am really looking forward to hearing about the experiences from the Magento community and how Magento customers, practitioners, and service provider partners are working together. If you fall into one of these categories I would love to meet you and learn more.