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Payment Services: the "Sandbox onboarding" button is disabled

Payment Services: the "Sandbox onboarding" button is disabled

Commerce Service Connector is configured: sandbox and production keys are filled; the project and data space are created.

But the "Sandbox onboarding" button is disabled on the "Sales -> Payment Services" page.

I don't understand why the button "Sandbox onboarding" is disabled. And what else should I configure to make it enable?


Magento Open Source ver. 2.4.6-p3


Re: Payment Services: the "Sandbox onboarding" button is disabled

Hi there, that means that there is a mismatch within the keys. I will message you separately to set up a time to fix. 



Payment Services Sales Manager

Re: Payment Services: the "Sandbox onboarding" button is disabled

Hello @smartsites ,


If the "Sandbox onboarding" button is disabled on the "Sales -> Payment Services" page in the Commerce Service Connector configuration, there could be several reasons why this is happening. Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot and potentially resolve the issue:


Ensure that the sandbox keys are correctly configured in the Commerce Service Connector settings. Double-check the API keys and credentials to make sure they are accurate.

you can setup sandbox by following below document:

Confirm that the project and data space associated with the sandbox environment are set up correctly. Ensure that all required configurations, such as currencies, payment methods, and settings, are properly configured in the sandbox environment.

Check the permissions associated with the API keys used for the sandbox environment. Ensure that the keys have sufficient permissions to access the necessary resources and perform the required actions within the sandbox environment.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us.