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Dynamic dates when creating segments

Dynamic dates when creating segments

I want to specifically target newly signed up users with content in a dynamic block.


However, the Created At options in the segment builder require me to enter a specific date rather than defaulting to Today or Today +/- X.


Is there any way around this without custom development?


Re: Dynamic dates when creating segments

Hello @chrispalme39a8 


Can you please tell me which Magento version are you using?


Re: Dynamic dates when creating segments

 2.3.7-p1 currently, upgrading to 2.4 in the New Year

Re: Dynamic dates when creating segments

Hello @chrispalme39a8 


You are using the community version so you have to do the customization for that Magento

is not providing such a feature.


Magento enterprise edition is providing such a feature.


If my answer is helpful full then please set the accept solution flag and kudos flag so other members can take the same reference.

Re: Dynamic dates when creating segments

Hi Dipmegpro - we should be on the enterprise version as we pay a licence fee.


How does this work on enterprise? I'm only being presented with the option to set a date. (Go Today just seems to move it to today's date but doesn't then increment the following day.)


Screenshot 2021-12-13 125203.jpg




Re: Dynamic dates when creating segments

Hello @chrispalme39a8 


You can use customer segment for the data filters and for blog display you need to do customization.


If my answer is helpful full then please set the accept solution flag and kudos flag so other members can take the same reference.

Re: Dynamic dates when creating segments

Hello @gggrabotaq2834 


Please set flags for the kudos and solution as per your latest answer.