I had integrated the Razorpay payment gateway in my Magento site. It's working absolutely fine on the web and mobile browser. But when I try to make the payment using in-app browsers (from Instagram, Facebook) I am facing the blank page issue. So I found the solution that I need to pass the callback URL along with other input parameters to the payment gateway. Here I got stuck, what should be the callback URL here? Can anyone help me to resolve this!
Here is my code:
define( [ 'Magento_Checkout/js/view/payment/default', 'Magento_Checkout/js/model/quote', 'jquery', 'ko', 'Magento_Checkout/js/model/payment/additional-validators', 'Magento_Checkout/js/action/set-payment-information', 'mage/url', 'Magento_Customer/js/model/customer', 'Magento_Checkout/js/action/place-order', 'Magento_Checkout/js/model/full-screen-loader', 'Magento_Ui/js/model/messageList' ], function (Component, quote, $, ko, additionalValidators, setPaymentInformationAction, url, customer, placeOrderAction, fullScreenLoader, messageList) { 'use strict'; return Component.extend({ defaults: { template: 'Razorpay_Magento/payment/razorpay-form', razorpayDataFrameLoaded: false, rzp_response: {} }, getMerchantName: function() { return window.checkoutConfig.payment.razorpay.merchant_name; }, getKeyId: function() { return window.checkoutConfig.payment.razorpay.key_id; }, context: function() { return this; }, isShowLegend: function() { return true; }, getCode: function() { return 'razorpay'; }, isActive: function() { return true; }, isAvailable: function() { return this.razorpayDataFrameLoaded; }, handleError: function (error) { if (_.isObject(error)) { this.messageContainer.addErrorMessage(error); } else { this.messageContainer.addErrorMessage({ message: error }); } }, initObservable: function() { var self = this._super(); //Resolves UI Error on Checkout if(!self.razorpayDataFrameLoaded) { $.getScript("https://checkout.razorpay.com/v1/checkout.js", function() { self.razorpayDataFrameLoaded = true; }); } return self; }, /** * @override */ /** Process Payment */ preparePayment: function (context, event) { if(!additionalValidators.validate()) { //Resolve checkout aggreement accept error return false; } var self = this, billing_address, rzp_order_id; fullScreenLoader.startLoader(); this.messageContainer.clear(); this.amount = quote.totals()['base_grand_total'] * 100; billing_address = quote.billingAddress(); this.user = { name: billing_address.firstname + ' ' + billing_address.lastname, contact: billing_address.telephone, }; if (!customer.isLoggedIn()) { this.user.email = quote.guestEmail; } else { this.user.email = customer.customerData.email; } this.isPaymentProcessing = $.Deferred(); $.when(this.isPaymentProcessing).done( function () { self.placeOrder(); } ).fail( function (result) { self.handleError(result); } ); self.getRzpOrderId(); return; }, getRzpOrderId: function () { var self = this; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: url.build('razorpay/payment/order'), /** * Success callback * @param {Object} response */ success: function (response) { fullScreenLoader.stopLoader(); if (response.success) { self.renderIframe(response); } else { self.isPaymentProcessing.reject(response.message); } }, /** * Error callback * @param {*} response */ error: function (response) { fullScreenLoader.stopLoader(); self.isPaymentProcessing.reject(response.message); } }); }, renderIframe: function(data) { var self = this; this.merchant_order_id = data.order_id; var options = { key: self.getKeyId(), name: self.getMerchantName(), amount: data.amount, handler: function (data) { self.rzp_response = data; self.placeOrder(data); }, order_id: data.rzp_order, modal: { ondismiss: function() { self.isPaymentProcessing.reject("Payment Closed"); } }, notes: { merchant_order_id: '', merchant_quote_id: data.order_id }, prefill: { name: this.user.name, contact: this.user.contact, email: this.user.email }, callback_url: url.build('checkout/onepage/success', {}), _: { integration: 'magento', integration_version: data.module_version, integration_parent_version: data.maze_version, } }; if (data.quote_currency !== 'INR') { options.display_currency = data.quote_currency; options.display_amount = data.quote_amount; } this.rzp = new Razorpay(options); this.rzp.open(); }, getData: function() { return { "method": this.item.method, "po_number": null, "additional_data": { rzp_payment_id: this.rzp_response.razorpay_payment_id, order_id: this.merchant_order_id, rzp_signature: this.rzp_response.razorpay_signature } }; } }); } );
In the above code, the `renderIframe` function will pass the parameter to the payment gateway, where I need to pass the callback URL. I tried to set it as `checkout/onepage/success` but it is redirecting to the home page. Please help me resolve this issue.
The /Razorpay/Magento/Model/PaymentMethod.php will do the signature validation functionality once the payment is done.
Directory structure