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Multiselect custom attribute module is not showing on layered navigation but shows on product edit

Multiselect custom attribute module is not showing on layered navigation but shows on product edit

I'm getting a little frustrated with this, below is code i have to create a custom multi-select attribute for a product, it uses a custom source to pull the data for it from a database table, when selecting the attributes on the product edit screen it saves the id values (primary keys of the table the data comes from).


I thought that the source would also be used on the front end to create check boxes, but nothing i do makes it show up (and i have added a multi select in the admin directly and that attribute shows up just fine):


'type' => 'varchar',
'label' => 'Select SVG/Filters',
'input' => 'multiselect',
'source' => 'Vendor\Module\Model\Config\Attributes\SvgOptions',
'backend'=> 'Magento\Eav\Model\Entity\Attribute\Backend\ArrayBackend',
'required' => false,
'sort_order' => 100,
'global' => ScopedAttributeInterface::SCOPE_STORE,
'group' => 'Product Overview SVG/Filters',
'visible_on_front' => true,
'used_in_product_listing' => true,
'apply_to' => 'simple,configurable,virtual,bundle,downloadable',
'is_used_in_grid' => true,
'is_visible_in_grid' => false,
'is_filterable_in_grid' => true

 My data source is this:


public function getAllOptions() : array

/** @var Collection $svgCollection */
$svgCollection = $this->svgCollectionFactory->create();

/** @var Collection $svgCategoryCollection */
$svgCategoryCollection = $this->svgCategoryCollectionFactory->create();

// get all categories
$categories = $svgCategoryCollection->setOrder('name','ASC');

// for each category as an option group, assign SVGs
$options = [];

/** @var Category $category */
foreach($categories as $category) {

// reset where in collection so each loop works

// get svgs in this category
$svgs = $svgCollection->addFieldToFilter('category_id',$category->getId())

if($svgs->count() > 0){

// create svgs array
$svgOptions = [];
/** @var SVG $svg */
foreach ($svgs as $svg) {
$svgOptions[] = [

// add category with svgs to options
$options[] = [

return $options;


All the options show in the admin and save no problem, it's just the layered nav they won't show up on




Re: Multiselect custom attribute module is not showing on layered navigation but shows on product ed

Hello @marcintota03e5 



There are a couple of options

Use In Layered Navigation 

Use In Search Results Layered Navigation


Make sure they are enabled.

Also try Filterable (no results) Will have to index after changing settings

Also double check attribute values are saved for the product under the store scope you are using.

If you are using only one store toggle single store mode if you are not using that already. That simplifies things.


Changing the backend_type of the attribute from 'text' to 'varchar' and re-index. 


Don't forget to copy catalog_product_entity_text's value over to catalog_producut_entity_varchar.




​Hope it helps ! 

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Re: Multiselect custom attribute module is not showing on layered navigation but shows on product ed

Multiselect Custom Attribute Not Showing in Layered Navigation – A Frustrating Magento 2 Issue

I can understand the frustration here! It looks like your custom multiselect attribute is functioning properly in the admin panel but not appearing in layered navigation on the frontend. Since you’ve set 'filterable' => true, one possible issue could be missing configuration under Stores > Attributes > Product—you may need to ensure the attribute is set as "Filterable (with results)."

Additionally, Magento's layered navigation works best with "dropdown" or "multiselect" attributes of type 'int' instead of 'varchar'. Since you are storing ID values, you might want to check if changing 'type' => 'varchar' to 'type' => 'int' resolves the issue. Also, confirm that indexing and caching are properly refreshed.

This situation reminds me of why many users seek alternative solutions like Honista  APK when native configurations fail to provide expected flexibility, third-party tools and custom modifications often become the go-to option. While Magento 2 is powerful, sometimes even simple configurations can be a struggle without deeper custom tweaks. Hopefully, Magento improves its built-in attribute handling to make such setups more intuitive!

Would love to hear if you find a fix—best of luck debugging!

Re: Multiselect custom attribute module is not showing on layered navigation but shows on product ed

If your multiselect custom attribute isn’t showing in layered navigation but appears in the product edit screen, it might be due to misconfigured filterable settings or missing index updates. Ensure the attribute is filterable, visible on the front end, and used in product listing by checking the database (eav_attribute table). After making updates, reindex and flush the cache using php bin/magento indexer:reindex and php bin/magento cache:flush. Also, confirm that products have the attribute assigned. If the issue persists, review your theme’s layered navigation templates, similar to how Kubernetes Dashboard  provides visibility into workloads but may require additional configuration for full functionality.

Re: Multiselect custom attribute module is not showing on layered navigation but shows on product ed

That sounds like a Magento issue where the custom attribute isn't appearing in the layered navigation. A common fix is to ensure the attribute is set to "Use in Layered Navigation" under Stores > Attributes > Product in the backend. Also, check if the attribute is indexed and visible in the store. If it's still not working, reindexing via SSH (bin/magento indexer:reindex) and flushing the cache might help.

For those troubleshooting similar tech-related issues, sometimes it's helpful to test on older versions of an app, like sportzfy 6.7 apk download old version, to compare functionality.