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Still issue witj Marketplace Installation & Varnish Test

Still issue witj Marketplace Installation & Varnish Test

Good day!
i have still issue on uploading my extension.

this time i have this error:

"command": "function checkFpmService { for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6; do sleep 5; httpCode=`curl --fail --insecure --silent --output /dev/null --write-out '%{http_code}' https://magento2.docker/eqp-non-existent-page.html`; if [ $httpCode -eq 404 ]; then return 0; else echo 'The expected HTTP response code for an un-existent Magento URL page is 404, got $httpCode It could be because the FPM service is not ready yet or this Magento installation is broken.'; fi; done; return 1; }; checkFpmService;",
"output": [
"Finished with the '1' exit code. Process output:",
"The expected HTTP response code for an un-existent Magento URL page is 404, got 500 It could be because the FPM service is not ready yet or this Magento installation is broken.",

but i don't get how to check this,

thank you



Re: Still issue witj Marketplace Installation & Varnish Test

Hello @Axerve SpA 


This error message indicates that there is an issue with the FPM service or your Magento installation. The FPM service is used to manage the PHP processes that run your Magento website.

Here are some steps you can take to troubleshoot this issue:

  1. Check that the FPM service is running: You can use the following command to check if the FPM service is running:

    systemctl status php-fpm

    If the FPM service is not running, you can start it with the following command:

    systemctl start php-fpm

  2. Check your Magento installation: Make sure that your Magento installation is not broken. You can try accessing your Magento website from a web browser to see if it's working. If you see any errors or warnings, you may need to fix them before attempting to upload your extension again.

  3. Check the Magento logs: You can check the Magento logs to see if there are any error messages that can help you diagnose the issue. The Magento logs are located in the var/log directory of your Magento installation.

  4. Try again: Once you've checked the FPM service, your Magento installation, and the Magento logs, you can try uploading your extension again.

If you're still having issues after trying these steps, you may want to seek help from a Magento developer or support team.

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