Hey Guys,
I'm about to imigrate my current platform (osCommerce) to magento and on the current platform I have a lot of customizations on the order page where you see all the order statuses, billing address, what the customer purchased etc.
I wanna make sure that on Magento the customizations gonna be on external files so in case there is an upgrade the customizations will not be overwritten...
What is the prpoer way to achive that?
Thank you very much
Have you tried with default Magento order view page? Please check first, the information you mentioned are mostly available there.
HI @tdavid88,
First you'll have to list out all the customizations fra OSC you have, then match them with the standard Magento installation. Custom features not present in Magento, should be developed then.
If you choose to work with a certified (or any good) developer, they will make you customizations according to Magento standards, and extend Magento using ex. local.xml files, etc and not editing core-files.
This way you ensure a upgrade proof installation of your Magento
Let me know if this helps you.