Yes, it's an unusual question, I think. I'm an artist serving the tabletop roleplaying industry, I create maps for game publishers. I want to start a membership site with 5 payment tiers each offering varying amount of reward points on a month to month basis. The store will feature thousands of maps and other digital download content and everything is priced in reward points, thus reward points pay 100% of the cost of any item, and the amount of points spent is tracked. The monthly membership fee is the only financial transaction - all other purchases paid for in reward point expenditures. Can the base ecommerce software be configured to work this way, or can any of the available extensions do this? Can I even build such a site? There would be no need for check out, only access to a secure download page. Thank you.
I'm a pro freelance cartographic illustrator with over 1000 published maps from over a dozen publishers over the past 11 years, having done work like creating all the multi-player maps in Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Strategy Guide in 2014, and creating the original hand-drawn map of the City of Kasai for the Paizo Publishing Jade Regent Adventure Path - so in my artistic niche, I'm a top creator, and it's my personal work that I'm selling as downloads through a potential membership site. Fans and gamemasters of Dungeons & Dragons and other similar fantasy and sci-fi roleplaying games are my target market.
Here's a recent map I did as a personal project - a crystal mining operation on some desert moon owned by a religious sect of mystics, called Kos Veruk, for my Starfinder homebrew game.Kos Veruk mining outpost on a distant world
I wanted to develop game like Roblox
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