I just installed my first Magneto install and testing out Configurable products.
Lets say I have a Tshirt, Red, Blue, Black, But Red is only in small, Blue is Medium, and Black I have in large.
If I select Red Small, I can't change it to Black Medium. As Medium is grayed out and so is black. If i try and reset the logic by changing both to "choose an option...." Still can't change from the limited selections.
So I added a few simple products to my configurable product. But as I keep adding, The price of some of the options I can no longer edit. Example. T shirt
Red, Blue, Black
Red Costs +5 in size small, +6 in size medium and +7 in size large.
But Blue is the same cost for all sizes.
I thought I could just edit the price on the simple product but that price is not passed along Its only using the option price.
Generally, according to the logics of Magento, if for example, your Blue Medium Shirt has qty 0 and it is out of stock, it will just not be shown in the drop-down.
Configurable product allows you to track quantity of each variation, thus ypu need to create each variation of size and color as separate simple products assigned to parent configurable. For example, if you have 3 colors and 3 sizes you will have 9 variations of simple products assigned to 1 configurable.
As for the prices: when simple items are added to configurable, their prices are being ignored and only price of parent product is taken into account. In order for the prices to change when variation is selected, you have to indicate super attribute price mark-ups. Check this article for detailed explanation -
Thanks for the info. But that wont work for my business. In your example All Green Shoes are more expensive. My example only one of the 3 green shoes is more expensive.
Also If there is 3 sizes and 3 colors but I only make 4 of them why would I need to make all 9 variations?
What do you mean by "but I only make 4 of them "?
Well In the example of Tshirts with Red, Blue, Black and small medium large.
What If I only have part numbers for Red in Small and large, Blue in Medium and Black in large.
It looks like I dont need to make all 9 simple products only the 4 I have part numbers for.
But I run into the problem when I select Red, and select large, But then want to switch to Blue Medium I can't with out refreshing the page.
Sure thing, if product has only 4 variations (not all the combinations of existing colors and sizes)
As for ability to change combination, you were supposed to be able to select other one unless it has already been added to cart and you have to return. Maybe this is template problem, but I am not sure.
Thanks, My biggest problem is that pricing is not coming from the simple products. I want to put a group price on the simple product and have that used if the member is part of the group. Also the fact that the that the "super product attributes" is less the super as it makes the pricing very limited. Is there a mod that would allow the pricing to be pulled from the simple products / simple product group pricing.