Hi all,
I would like a simple contact form with Name, E-mail, Comment and a drop down where user selects a value (like Clothing / Decoration / Kitchen). Depending on the choice in that drop down menu, I would like the feedback e-mail to be sent to two adresses, one general and one specific for the choice in question.
User selects "Clothing" -> E-mail gets sent to info@domain.com and clothing@domain.com
User selects "Decoration" -> E-mail gets sent to info@domain.com and decoration@domain.com
Anyone know of a Magento extension for this (for Magento Enterprise), or perhaps some external service that could allow us to do this?
Any help very appreciated!
An extension might be overkill for the simpe logic that you're after... creating your own extension wouldn't be too much work..
You'd have to
$email = 'default@yoursite.com'; switch($post['yournewfield']) { case 'clothing': $email = 'clothing@yoursite.com'; break; case 'decoration': $email = 'decoration@yoursite.com'; break; }
$mailTemplate->setDesignConfig(array('area' => 'frontend')) ->setReplyTo($post['email']) ->sendTransactional( Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_EMAIL_TEMPLATE), Mage::getStoreConfig(self::XML_PATH_EMAIL_SENDER), $email, null, array('data' => $postObject) );
If you wanted to control the email addresses per department in the magento admin; then it's a little more work.. but the above should give you a foot-hold.