Im a business owner www.projectors.co.uk and I run mageneto 1.9 with varnish . I am having problems with adding to cart on my site.
New people are visiting my site and cannto add to cart. I have done a test on a new laptop today with firefox that I only downloaded today and visited apage and tired to cart to cart a product I never tried to add before
the screen does nothing- it doesnt add to cart
If I clear cookies it works.
Of course my customers are never goign to do this and I lose the sale. My developers say its because they have an existing cookie on their site, but that cannot be the case. I cant get them to fix it , Im despreate for soemthign I can say to thim or do so I can get some orders
I also seem to have a issue on my search bar that you have to hit enter two twoce to get an answer. I dont if that is related
can anyone in the forum help me