I have tried to upload images using Dataflow profiles, as shown in a multitude of tutorials, I have gone as far as editing permissions of the import folder(media/import) and I have created a dataflow profile with only the image fields using field mapping, but am still unable to upload images in bulk, I keep getting "Image does not exist."
I am using the Community Edition of Magento v1.9.2.4.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Kind Regards,
Please, check if you formatted images in the way Magento requires: before import images should be stored in media/import folder in your import file you need to have image names with leading slash and followed by extension like - /imagename.jpg
Also mind that file should be saved with UTF-8 encoding.
Here is also tutorial on procedure of Magento images import -
Hi there,
Thank you for the quick reply, I have double checked that there are "/" before the image name in the CSV file. I have also double checked that it is in UTF-8 encoding. I also double checked that the image is in media/import.
Still no luck.
The following is the only record in my file:
Thank you in advance for any help!
Kind Regards,
Can you please specify, you have 'test' a few times included, is this a value for some field?
it is useless
dont believe that
When you import products via a CSV file please use these settings in the Import screen:
1. make sure Bulk edit is selected
2. make sure Ignore blank fields is selected
3. make sure that the preview function is disabled.
After this, if you have the correct columns in place, then it should find the second images automatically.