Hello all, I just installed Magento on my host and am trying to learn how to use it to see if it will suite my needs, but I think it might.
I want to have a simple website that's basically a homepage saying hello, about us page, maybe a FAQ, and a shop.
everything except the shop is available publicly, but the shop and it's contents are accessible to members only.
Is it possible to do this with Magento? when a user clicks on "Shop" in the navbar they should be required to login before they can access the shop.
The short answer is yes you can do it. In fact the code to do it is quite small but would require a custom module to do it.
Hi @Killavolt,
This is possible. We can customize this feature work as you want. We have provided magento customize service. If you are interested, you can contact us at the link: http://www.magewoo.com/magento-services.html. We can assist you customize this feature.
Best Regards,
It doesn't seem like you are at the point of requiring the actual code but as @MageWoo is using the opportunity for some self promotion i thought i would offer you an alternative.
We use a modified version of https://github.com/jreinke/magento-require-login
ok cool, I just needed to know if it can be done before I end up with a shop that I can't use lol.
I'll definitely come back to this once I figure out everything else I need to know