Is there a way I can make particular items immune from any promotion?
For example, if I have a coupon code for 10% store wide, I need this coupon to NOT work on specific items.
I have a large amount of items that cannot be discounted (MAP priced) and I need those specific items to be immune from any discount when customers apply coupon codes.
You can restrict products SKUs from promo codes appled in catalog price rules.
For that please first go to to: Catalog -> Attributes -> Manage attributes. Then search for the ‘SKU’ attribute and set the drop down ‘Use for Promo Rule Conditions’ to YES and reindex if needed.
Go to Promotions -> Shopping Cart Price Rules
Click Add New Rule
Fill Rule Information
On left sidebar, click Conditions tab
Click +
Select Product attribute combination
Click +
Select SKU from drop-down
Now, you will see SKU is not ... and set SKU value
You can add as many sku’s to excludes as you wish
Check the screen-shot -
In case are too many SKUs to limit, you can for example make this rule to apply only to products of a one category (previously assigning there products), or add rule - products which have defined attribute (and add to necessary product some specific attribute).
How do I set the rules so that even when there are multiple items in the cart, the promo code will only apply to the items in specific categories?
Thank you!
Hi Betty.
In order for the discount to be applied to itsems of specific ategory only you need to go to -
Promotions -> Shopping Cart Price Rules
Click Add New Rule
Fill Rule Information
On left sidebar, click Conditions tab
Click +
Choose Product attribute combination -
Click +
and from drop-down select Category -
click on three dots in 'Category is ... '
and choose categories and subcategories to apply disount
or indicate category IDs -
If you need also to apply the coupon only to items from specific categories, when there are multiple items in the cart (from other categories) you need also:
On left sidebar, click Actions tab
and in section - Apply the rule only to cart items matching the following conditions (leave blank for all items)
Click +
From drop-down select Category
and again select categories and subcategories or their IDs -
Apply the conditions and fill in other details/tabs for coupon generation.
Eventually, when for example 2 products are added to cart and only one of them belongs to the category we indicated in the rules, the coupon code will be applied to this product only, but not to the other one -
Hope it will be useful.
Super helpful! Many thanks!
Hi again,
How do I stack promo codes? For example, after applying a 20% code to swimsuit category, I want to add an additional 15% off promo code to all purchases. How do I do this?
Also, how do I set different codes for different categories? For example, 20% for swimsuits and 30% for cosmetics.
Your help is greatly appreciated!!!
Hi there,
Need from you to clarify some points:
---->How do I stack promo codes? For example, after applying a 20% code to swimsuit category, I want to add an additional 15% off promo code to all purchases. How do I do this?
Do you mean that your client when added product to cart applied first 20% discount code and then you want him/her to apply another 15% OFF code too?
------->Also, how do I set different codes for different categories? For example, 20% for swimsuits and 30% for cosmetics.
Just using the example I have offered above, create separate shopping cart price rules to apply various discounts to various categories. E.g. one rule for 20% discount code and assign to swimsuits category, create another 30% OFF rule and assig to bye applicable to cosmetics category only.
Hi blee14,
In Actions, you've got an option that says "Stop further rules processing"
If it says "No", this means any other applicable discount will be added on top the one you're editing.
By the way, to exclude certain categories, you can simply do Category _ is not _ CategoryID
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I have done all of this then tested it out on the front end and it if the certain products i've put in my cart that i don't want the 20% coupon to apply to are in the cart, then even if there are other items in the cart - the rule doesn't apply to them either.
Did you ever get a reply regarding the long list of items you can't discount? I know how to create conditions...however I don't want to have to add this massive list (of brands that don't allow discounting) individually on each is very tedious! It seems easier if there was a master restriction list (maybe in the attributes) that you could then add that list to the condition to the promotions. How is this done exactly?