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Shipping Address Dropdown Menu?

Shipping Address Dropdown Menu?

Hi everyone! I am in need of some assistance with setting up the shipping address and billing address options for my company's website. For reference/background, we sell apparel items to franchise locations of larger companies - as in, the individual employees of a franchise location can go to the website and purchase a jacket for themselves with the corporation logo on it.


Shipping Address Question:

The corporate office only wants them to be able to ship their item to their store location. So, if we have all of the store addresses, how can we establish a dropdown menu of these addresses so that they have to select one of them?


Billing Method/Address Question:

A second feature that we would like to incorporate into our site is to have the billing address be dependent upon the billing method selected. For example, the employee can either pay using a personal credit card or they can have the amount deducted from the payroll. If they choose to pay with their own credit card, then their billing address would be according to their card. If they want their bill to be deducted from their pay, then the bill would go to the corporate office (a set address) and then the corporate office would handle it from there. So, what we need is as follows:


1. Customer would select payment method: credit card or payroll deduction

2. Based on option selected in 1:

  • If select CREDIT CARD: a field appears for them to enter their billing address
  • If select PAYROLL DEDUCTION: corporate address is automatically applied as the billing address


Please and thank you in advance for any guidance and assistance!!