Hi we have a number of trusted customers who regularly are sent stock 'on approval' They might be sent six products, keep 4 and return 2. The orders will all be created in admin, not from the front end. Inventory management isn't an issue here either. I'm wondering how best to handle this in magento.
An idea I had was to create a simple product called 'approval' and when the order is created, edit the product description and price to reflect what it is they are getting on approval. They are invoiced for all 6 products (to be paid via bank transfer), and when 2 are returned a credit memo is created to credit them back for those. This has a number of problems, the biggest being I can't find a way to edit the product description when creating the order in admin. A very clunky solution anyway even without that problem.
Has anybody got any solutions or suggestions at all? Thanks.