Wich modules or programs do you think fits the best for the car parts branche?
We have a car parts site and we thinking about to make the step to Magento.
But now we want to know wich modules or software do we need for the car parts industry?
What we want is:
1. put/remove/edit products on the site
2. put/remove/edit categories on the site
3. import and export from .csv files from suppliers.
4. make send labels for dpd etc.
5. invoice for orders etc.
6. ebay integration
7. we want to use our printers in the program
8. different tabs for customers and suppliers with there contact informatie sell history etc.
These are a couple of things we have now in our own written management software.
But now we are thinking about a new existing program who can do this things.
So that we are up-to date and ready for the future.
I hope that u can give us some helpfull tips.