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the checkout onepage not working properly i

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the checkout onepage not working properly i

please how can solve this onpage checkout method option not working well this is the site


Re: the checkout onepage not working properly i

Your site is throwing an error 


<b>Parse error</b>:  syntax error, unexpected '
', expecting endswitch (T_ENDSWITCH) or case (T_CASE) or default (T_DEFAULT) in <b>/home/figureco/public_html/app/design/frontend/default/fivecube/template/giftmessage/inline.phtml</b> on line <b>203</b><br />

 check the file in question, and make sure your endswich ends correctly.

Re: the checkout onepage not working properly i

but now when i click on login it dose not work

Re: the checkout onepage not working properly i

Hi, can you please provide us with some further information as

Magento Version
Theme Name
Checkout modules (payment and shipping)


There is a known issue that the OnepageController.php file located in /app/code/core/Mage/Checkout/controllers may be the cause.

You can try chaning the function


public function saveOrderAction()
        if (!$this->_validateFormKey()) {
        if ($this->_expireAjax()) {


public function saveOrderAction()
        //if (!$this->_validateFormKey()) {
          // return;
        if ($this->_expireAjax()) {

 NB! This will make a small change to core files, and its not recommanded to do this witout proper knowledge to what you are doing, and is only a temporary solution that this should not be required.

Re: the checkout onepage not working properly i


I think you meet some problem with checkout module on your magento site. You can refer One Step Checkout module on website: This is module support checkout on one page. They provided a free version. I hope this helpful for you :smileyhappy: