Hi All,
We are having some real UX issues with our current load product on scroll extension when using the browser back button. See this page as an example if you scroll to one of the last few products, view the item then try your browsers back button: http://www.grenson.com/uk/mens-shoes-collection/all-mens-shoes.html
Our current extension has time out issues which the developers can't resolve.
We are looking at introducing pagination as a potential resolution but want to explore all options for AJAX loading before doing this.
Ideally I'm looking for an extension that can offer the AJAX scroll down the page effect but after using the browser back button, only load the products from the required page & then use the AJAX load effect if scrolling back up or down the page so products are only loaded when needed by the user.
Our page load is fast but has issues when trying to load 240+ products at one time on our large categories.
We are debating a PHP 7 upgrade but fear this being one of our biggest issues won't be resolved after investing several thousand pounds on a PHP7 migration with testing of all extensions etc.
Any advise on this would be much appreciated as it's been a thorn in our side for a long time.