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Amazon style wishlist

Amazon style wishlist

Hi there, 


I'm looking for an extension that will operate like Amazon wish lists.


User 1 can add items to wish list, specifying colour, size, or other options. User 1 then shares the link to the list.


User 2 can then order from the wish list to send to that person. Doing so removes the item from the wish list.


User 2 DOES NOT get to see User 1's address, at any point in the process.


Order is processed and shipped to User 1 as normal.


Re: Amazon style wishlist

The closest I can think of would be a Gift Registry extension, like:


Best of luck!

Re: Amazon style wishlist

That's not right at all.  First off it requires events to be created for the registry, which is not wanted. And it also doesn't hide the shipping address.

Re: Amazon style wishlist

Understood. Like I said, it's the closest I could think of. Not a dead match.


There are some advanced wishlist extensions that offer the ability to share as well, like,, and wishlist.html or


You can review against your specific list of specs, but chances are that if you want exactly what Amazon has, you're going to need some custom development.

Re: Amazon style wishlist

None of them obscure the delivery address, which is the most important feature.

Re: Amazon style wishlist



You can find the extension which can be used to filter as per customers' requirements at the below link and this extension is easily customizable as per your needs!

Extension URL:


Hope this will be helpful to you.

All the best!