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Is there any extension which allows customers select specific products they would like to reorder?

Is there any extension which allows customers select specific products they would like to reorder?

I want an extension which allows my customers to select specific purchased products in Magento 2

Can anybody help me? thanks in advance!


Re: Is there any extension which allows customers select specific products they would like to reorde

Perhaps, you mean something like the Subscriptions and Recurring Payments extension allowing customers to purchase subscription products regularly.


Here are the modules for Magento 1 and Magento 2:

Subscription & Recurring Payments for Magento 2 -

Subscriptions and Recurring Payments for Magento 1 -

Re: Is there any extension which allows customers select specific products they would like to reorde

You can consider using Magento 2 Reorder Product. The extension helps customers to reorder previously purchased products quickly in their Accounts. 

Let's check demo of Magento 2 Reorder Product for more useful features.reorder_m2_gif-2