Product Discount/Custom Labels - Magento 2 extens... - Magento Forums
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Product Discount/Custom Labels - Magento 2 extension

Product Discount/Custom Labels - Magento 2 extension

Hi everyone

While I worked with Magento task, I realised that almost all extension for Product Labels requires rules for matched conditions. But I wanted to output discount if product just have a special price without any heavy rules. So I decided to create extensions for it -

Warm welcome for using it!

I hope it will bring benefits for other developers and customers!


Re: Product Discount/Custom Labels - Magento 2 extension

I found the Product Label extension, which allows you to create interactive labels for your products. Incorporate creative labels to make your product pages more attractive. Stay ahead of the competition with custom product labels for products on the homepage, category pages, product pages, wishlist, search results, and other custom pages.

Re: Product Discount/Custom Labels - Magento 2 extension

Hi @bperevyazko,

Yes I got this similar extension from Bootsgrid to facilitate product labels Magento2 Product Label Extension with different colors and texts by tag name as hot sale, exclusive etc..

Best regards